
Blessing Day

This past weekend was a special one to celebrate our baby Charlotte joining our family.  As she was surrounded by friends and family who love and adore her, she was given a blessing from Brian.

We decided to bless Charlotte on a Saturday so my family from California could drive up, come for the weekend, and be back to work on Monday.  It was our stake conference weekend and the BYU vs. UCLA football game.  We knew my dad would enjoy going to the football game the evening of the blessing with Brian so we thought it would work perfect to have both events on the same day.  It sure did make for an eventful day.

Charlotte has been sleeping pretty well the past few nights, but last night, it seemed as if she was a little more restless, or looking back, maybe it was just me that was a little more restless.  I guess we were both gearing up for her big day.  We had pulled pork cooking in the crockpots in the kitchen over night and so our whole house smelt like pulled pork and I think that smell kept waking me up! And maybe it did the same for baby girl.  It seemed as if we were both still tired when we woke up Saturday morning. 

I had fed Charlotte right before we left for the blessing and then she fell asleep in her car seat on the way over to the church which made it a little disturbing to her to have to wake up and change into her blessing dress once we arrived at the church.  But once I got her all dressed she went right back to sleep in my arms before the program even began.  Brian and I were both so worried that she was going to be hungry or fussy when it came time for the blessing, but once she fell back asleep in my arms, she was perfect.  

My grandpa said that he peeked his eyes open during the blessing and saw Charlotte smiling so I guess she woke up just in time to listen to the blessing.  Once the blessing was done, she went right back to sleep.  Precious little one.  

Charlotte wore a darling white dress with a flower headband and a pearl bracelet that I got for her.  One of my grandma's had sent Charlotte a beautiful white blessing blanket that we used to keep Charlotte nice and cozy the whole day! My other grandma brought Charlotte a gold heart necklace that she also wore with her white dress.  We sadly had already taken it off by the time we took these pictures when we came home, but both the necklace and the blanket were the most perfect touches to the day.  

The blessing was beautiful.  It was so special and brought tears to our eyes.  

After the blessing, we had a little luncheon with everyone that came.  We had pulled pork sandwiches with a few salads, chips and dip, fruit, cookies and chocolate sheet cake.  It was quite delicious and a perfect way to chat with everyone that came, take pictures and let everyone hold Charlotte.

By this time, you would think she would be awake and/or hungry, but she was still just sleeping away! 

However, when it came time to head home, she was wide awake and ready for a feeding! 

Needless to say, we got right home and let the little one eat her lunch!

That night we let my mom and grandma babysit and put Charlotte to bed while Brian and I took my dad and debbie to the BYU game. Even though the cougars lost, it was a fun way to end they night with my family before they had to head back home.

We are so grateful and lucky to have had family and friends be with us on Charlotte's special blessing day! We love this smiley girl of ours!


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